15 June | 10:00 - 10:45
We encourage collaboration and so we use a technology called ThinkHub which enables you to share content from any device with other colleagues and the Experian team.
Increasingly sophisticated online fraud attacks can only be stopped by using equally advanced technology. By combining our custom AI-driven Machine Learning model with device profiling data, Experian has created a powerful fraud prevention solution – called Aidrian. This combination improves fraud detection accuracy and can result in up to 15% more revenue by reducing false positives.
During this webinar, Özgür Ekici, Senior Product Manager, will show you how Experian uses AI to stay ahead of fraudsters and safeguard our clients and their customers. Some of Aidrian’s benefits:
There’s much more that Aidrian can do for your business to boost conversions and stamp out fraud. You can find out more about how Experian can help your business in the fight against fraud by registering for this webinar.
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