Oct 2021 | General | Credit Risk, SimRisk
By Posted by Emma Perkins

Emma Perkins, Head of Customer Experience for Experian in EMEA, explains how listening to our clients’ feedback has led to improved and digitalised services

One key event in EMEA last year was the source of more than 50 product innovation ideas. But, as insightful and useful as they can be, it wasn’t a meeting around a whiteboard or a report from a consultancy.

The annual Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey provides Experian with a regular chance to catch up with our customers and take on valuable feedback.

As this year’s survey comes around, I have been thinking about how our business has changed following the feedback we received in 2020.

At the time of the survey, it was clear that six months of Covid-19 had fundamentally changed how most businesses could operate. Digital transformation was front of everyone’s mind, with changes that were due to take place over five years being required in a matter of months.

We were told that businesses needed their customer onboarding processes to be frictionless and that more companies needed to sweat insights from data and analytics to keep moving forward. It encouraged us to develop MAX to reduce the time it takes to say yes.

Flexibility required

Another prominent trend accelerated by the pandemic has been flexible working. With people juggling childcare commitments or finding more suitable alternatives to office hours, it was made clear that people wanted to access help with our services in a different way.

We launched the MyExperian portal to allow people to browse self-help articles or raise queries and track their progress online.

But allowing people to do more online and less by speaking in person or on the phone doesn’t mean our customers want to lose their sense of community or to learn from their peers.

In that spirit, since the last NPS survey, we have developed the CXO Forums, which bring together like-minded decision-makers to hear the latest insights from Experian and discuss them under ‘Chatham House’ rules.

We’ve also helped foster the spirit of learning and competition with the SimRisk Champion League and Classic events. Our international competition brings together the best credit risk teams across EMEA in a virtual environment to develop and measure their skills against each other.

As a valued client, you may receive a request to fill out a NPS survey in the coming weeks. Please give some thought to how we could improve the services we offer you.

I hope the examples of how we have acted on last year’s feedback will give you the confidence that we hold the wisdom of our customers in the highest regard.